Who am I
Many years ago before life even really starts according to society I had the possiblity to decide to go to a distant place. There I started to walk for thousands of kilometers. Through any landscape you could imagine, meeting people living lifes I never heard of, meeting myself in many different versions. Although my path continously changed over the years I never stopped walking. Now I am here with you. I walked, hitchhiked, biked, slept on mountains, in chapels, next to roads and worked where ever I arrived. Performed in a sailing street circus and at the traffic light, worked on farms, on remote construction sites on islands, and many many other things but mostly on myself. Now my life has changed after spending so much time sailing on other peoples boats I decided to fulfill my dream of having my own space. A sixty liter backpack became a 31 foot sailing boat. My space where I can follow my creativity, where I can discover the world on my own account, invite people and be close to nature. One dream of three came true but as life plays it might turn itself onehundredeighty degrees. So rather than having answers I got more questions.
Time will reveal what shall happen. I hope to take you along on a journey which will show me the way.